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Greece in Japan
Welcome to the Embassy of Greece in Tokyo

In this section of our website, you can access information regarding the history, activities of our Mission, the services provided by our Consular Office and our contact information.
In addition, you can find interesting information on the state of bilateral relations (political and economic) between Greece and Japan.
For Ambassador’s welcome message, click here
- Greek National Pavilion and exhibitors in FOODEX Japan 2025
- Job announcement: Scientific Associate Position, at the Office for Economic and Commercial Affairs, Embassy of Greece in Tokyo
- Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ meetings with the Crown Prince and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan (Tokyo, 30.1.2023)
- Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ statement after his meeting with the Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida ( Tokyo, 30.1.2023)
- Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis met with executives of Japanese business groups of the Keidanren federation ( Tokyo, 30.1.2023)
- Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ speech at a Greek-Japanese Business Forum in Japan ( Tokyo, 31.1.2023)
- Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Kostas Fragogiannis participates in the Greek-Japanese Business Forum, organized on the occasion of the visit of KEIDANREN’s delegation to Athens (13-14.10.2022)
- Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, attends the funeral of former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe (Tokyo, 27.09.2022)
- Aspects of Pontic Culture in Kyoto, Japan, 24th-25th September 2022
- Release of the book “Miwakuno Girisha -Shimizu Taishino Annaiki -“(Fascinating Greece - Ambassador Shimizu's Guide to Greece)
- «Transverse Orientation » by Dimitris Papaioannou in Japan
- Undergraduate Merit Scholarship 2022-2023 by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
- Announcement of position for a business development assistant at the Office of Economic & Commercial Affairs of the Embassy of Greece in Japan
- Announcement for travelers to Greece
- Minister of Foreign Affairs N. Dendias presents the exhibition of the Ministry’s Archives for the celebrations of the 200 years since the beginning of the Greek Struggle for Independence
- Job Position Announcement
- Announcement
- Important notice
- Announcement of preventive measures for protection of public health from the further spread of COVID-19 in the Greek territory.
- Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis meets with the Ambassador of Japan, Yasuhiro Shimizu (Athens, 27 September 2019)
- Schengen Visa Requirements
- Greek citizenship
- Application Form for Schengen Visa
- Application Form for National Visa
- Registration Acts
- Administrative Acts
- Procedure of issuance of Schengen visas for seafarers
- National Visas
- New Visa Information System (VIS)
- Information request form about personal data processed in the National SCHENGEN Information System (N-SIS)
- Application Form for Student Visa
- Consular tarrif for Visas
- Military conscription
- Apostille Seal
- Student Visas
- Passports
- Visa Code Guidelines-Annexes
- Hospitalization
- Visa applicants’ rights in case of rejection due to registration in the Schengen Information System or the National Record of Undesirable Foreigners
- Drivers Licences
- Community Code on Visas in other languages
- Consular tariff for Consular Acts
- Power of Attorney
- Permanent residents abroad
- Wills-Inheritances
- Taxes
- Transport of bodily remains
- Arrests, Preliminary Hearings, Detentions, Incarcerations of Greeks abroad
- Household effects
- Information on the processing of your personal data - General Data Protection Regulation – information to be provided to visa applicants
3-16-30 Nishi-AjabuMinato-Ku Tokyo 106-0031Japan
+813 34030871-2
+813 34024642