Sunday, 19 January 2025
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Embassy of Greece in London
Attention: Αll the male Greek citizens, who were born in 2007, are obliged to fill in and send to their Military Office in Greece, the enumeration sheet within the period 2.1.2025-31.3.2025 Online declaration of loss of Greek passport or ID card Greek citizens are now able to declare online the loss of their Greek ID card or passport, provided that the citizen holds a TaxisNet or web banking account. Alternatively, they candeclare the loss at their closest Greek Consular Authority. Attention: In accordance with the Community Code on Visas short term visitors to Greece (and to the Schengen area in general) must be in possession of a valid travel document. The Travel document’s validity shall extend at least three months after the intended date of departure from Greece (or the Schengen area in general), and it shall have been issued within the previous 10 years Attention: ETA authorisation will be needed for entry of Greek citizens in the UK from 2 April 2025
Home arrow About Us arrow Embassy of Greece in London arrow News arrow Greek unemployment rose to new record of 27.2 pct in Jan

Greek unemployment rose to new record of 27.2 pct in Jan

Greek unemployment rate rose to another record in January, totaling 27.2 pct of the country's workforce, or 1,348,742 unemployed, Hellenic Statistical Authority said on Thursday.

The statistics service, in a report, said that a total of 806,803 people were added in the unemployment list since 2010 when the first memorandum was signed. Unemployment hit mostly young people, aged 15-24 (59.3 pct) and women (31.4 pct).

The unemployment rate was 21.5 pct in January 2012 and 25.7 pct in December 2012. The number of unemployed people totaled 1,348,742, up 281,048 from January 2012 (26.3 pct) and up by 95,709 compared with December 2012 (7.6 pct).

The number of employed people totaled 3,617,771 in the country, down 270,629 compared with January last year (-7.0 pct) and down by 11,653 compared with December 2012 (-0.3 pct).
The economically non-active population totaled 3,346,423.


Last Updated Thursday, 11 April 2013