Wednesday 11 December 2024
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Home arrow Services arrow Other Services arrow Declaration of ownership to the Hellenic Cadastre (Ktimatologio)

Declaration of ownership to the Hellenic Cadastre (Ktimatologio)

If you reside in the U.S.A.  and want to declare ownership of land in Greece with the Hellenic Cadastre (Ktimatologio) the following options are available to you:

1)    If you have a valid taxisnet account, know the exact particulars of your property and have the appropriate documentation you can use the web-application of the Hellenic Cadastre (available in Greek only).

2)    If you know the exact particulars of your property in Greece and would like to assign a third party in Greece to draw up, sign and file the statement on your behalf, you can have this special authorization filled out and then contact the competent consular Authority in the U.S.A. to have your signature verified. In this case, please don’t sign the special authorization until you come to the competent consular Authority with a valid piece of ID (valid Greek or Canadian passport or Greek ID card). No appointment is needed.

3)    If you aren’t sure about the exact particulars of your property in Greece and would like to appoint a third party with a special or general power of attorney for the management of your real estate affairs in Greece you can contact the competent consular Authority in the U.S.A. and ask for an appointment to sign a power of attorney.

Please note that all prices mentioned throughout the website are in Euros. The exchange rate changes once a month and the rate is valid throughout that month. This page will be updated at the first of each month.

The exchange rate for December 2024 is:
1 EURO = 1.10 USD for a Consular Service
1 EURO = 1.10 USD for the Visa Section

Please note that we accept cash.

Some General Consulates/Consulates/Consular Offices may accept credit cards and debit cards.

For money orders contact the respective Diplomatic Authority (Embassy, Consulate or General Consulate) to which the money order will be payable to.
