Monday, 13 January 2025

Drivers Licences

In order for a Greek – EU Driver license to be valid in Japan the following requirements must be met:

-  Translation of the license by official interpreter authorized by the Embassy and legalization by the Consular Office of the Embassy of Greece in Tokyo.
- The person interested should present itself at the competent Transport Office of the place of residence.
-  Test for color distinction-directions by the competent Transport Office.

In order for a Japanese Driver license to be valid in Greece the following requirements must be met

- Certificate indicated that the license is not kept by any Japanese authority, as a result of punishment.
- The person interested should present itself at the competent Transport Office of the place of residence.

The certificate can by translated and validated either by the Consular Office of the Embassy of Greece in Tokyo or by the Consular Office of the Embassy of Japan in Athens.

Common Ministerial Decision Number 8608/965, 08.02.2006/Government Gazette 209, 13.02.2006 Volume II (Only in Greek).

Should you have any further questions regarding the above or for any clarification you may contact an agent of the Consular Office via telephone at +81(0)3 3403-0871/2, via fax at +81(0)3 3402 4642 or via e-mal at the following address:

Last Updated Tuesday, 19 February 2013