Minister of Foreign Affairs George Gerapetritis’ speech at the 28th Annual Economist Government Roundtable, on Geopolitical Conflicts: What are the preconditions for sustainable peace?
Election of Greece as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the 2025-2026 term
Minister of Foreign Affairs, George Gerapetritis’ speech at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University (Boston, 25.09.2023)
Minister of Foreign Affairs George Gerapetritis’ statement upon arrival at the Informal Meeting of EU Foreign Ministers Gymnich (Toledo, 31.08.2023)
Die Griechische Botschaft und die Konsularabteilung in Berlin bleiben an folgenden Feiertagen geschlossen:Mittwoch, 25.12.2024Donnerstag, 26.12.2024Mittwoch, 1.1.2025Montag, 6.1.2025Zusätzlich bleibt...
Die Konsularabteilung der griechischen Botschaft in Berlin bleibt am Freitag und Montag (Karfreitag - Ostermontag) geschlossen. Freitag, 03.05.2024 Montag, 06.05.2024 Dienstag, 7. Mai, Übertragung...
Das Ministerium für Klimakrise und Katastrophenschutz hat das „Spendenkonto - Private Beiträge“ für Spenden von Privatpersonen, Organisationen und Unternehmen zur Unterstützung der Betroffenen von...
Das Konsularbüro der Botschaft von Griechenland in Berlin bleibt am 7.4.2023 (Römisch-katholischer/Evangelischer Karfreitag), 14.4.2023 (Orthodoxer Karfreitag) und 17.4.2023 (Orthodoxer Ostermontag)...
Die Griechische Botschaft und die Konsularabteilung in Berlin bleiben am Freitag, den 28. Oktober 2022, anlässlich des Griechischen Nationalfeiertages, geschlossen.
JOURNALIST: What is on your agenda during your upcoming visit to India and what do you hope to achieve in terms of bilateral cooperation during the visit, which comes a year after PM Mitsotakis was here? G. GERAPETRITIS: The Greek Prime Minister’s visit to India one year ago did in...
It is a great honor and pleasure to be today in Amman. Your Excellency, Minister Ayman Al Safadi, thank you for your warm welcome and hospitality in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. You always make me feel at home and I really appreciate this. I am here to discuss the...
A round of significant meetings for Greek diplomacy in the wider Middle East region has been concluded. With the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia a few days ago, with the Prime Minister of Qatar yesterday, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel and with the Palestinian Prime...
Thank you. It's a great honor, a great pleasure to be here in Vilnius to meet a colleague, a close friend, to receive this warm hospitality and to declare once again the importance of being together in unity. To develop common strategies, common policies to safeguard the security of our...