Minister of Foreign Affairs George Gerapetritis’ interview with ‘’Efimerida ton Syntakton’’ newspaper and journalist Antonis Telopoulos (25.01.2025)

Minister of Foreign Affairs George Gerapetritis’ interview with ‘’Efimerida ton Syntakton’’ newspaper and journalist Antonis Telopoulos (25.01.2025)

JOURNALIST: Undoubtedly, significant efforts have been made over the past year to reach an understanding and convergence with the Turkish side. However, the Prime Minister's statements that seem to have partly dismissed the prospect of an appeal to The Hague, combined with the rumours about the delimitation of the EEZ between Türkiye and Syria, seem to have put the most important part of the dialogue on hold. Under these circumstances, do you remain optimistic about the deepening of the Greek-Turkish dialogue?

G. GERAPETRITIS: Developing a sincere dialogue with Türkiye, as the only viable means of building a relation of trust, constitutes a national strategic choice. Not only of the current government but of all Greek governments over time. And rightly so, in my opinion. Since 2002, 64 rounds of exploratory talks have been held in complete confidentiality. Unfortunately, the exploratory and political talks did not result in a convergence on the issue of the delimitation of the continental shelf and the Exclusive Economic Zone. And most certainly, they did not prevent massive violations of the Greek airspace, with a constant risk of a ‘’hot incident’’.

What has changed over the last 18 months is that the dialogue is currently conducted in a structured manner and relevant information is provided for each stage of this dialogue. Concrete and tangible results have been produced by virtue of the three pillars, namely the Political Dialogue, the Positive Agenda and the Confidence-Building Measures. Airspace violations have almost been eliminated, smuggling networks in the Aegean have been dismantled, many important agreements aimed at doubling bilateral trade have been signed, tens of thousands of Turkish citizens and their families have visited ten of our islands through the on-arrival visa program, thus giving an economic boost to local economies.

Dialogue promotes understanding. So, my reply to you is that it has not been put on hold. The more this structured dialogue progresses, the more solid our relations’ foundation will be. Our positions differ substantially with respect to the scope of the discussion on the delimitation of maritime zones. Greece is not discussing sovereignty issues or issues other than the one and only dispute that can be brought before international jurisdiction, namely the delimitation of the continental shelf and the Exclusive Economic Zone, as required by International Law.

In any case, inaction cannot be an option. We must strive to preserve the progress made in avoiding tensions in our relations with Türkiye. It is our duty to promote peace. This is the role of diplomacy after all. With respect for International Law and without concessions on our national interests.

JOURNALIST: It is well-known that in the past, internal pressures from both sides have not been conducive to deepening the Greek-Turkish dialogue. How long can this calm be maintained if there is no specific and tangible prospect of resolving the issues? In this context, many distinguished analysts in the country claim that it is almost impossible to proceed with the delimitation of the continental shelf and EEZ without our territorial waters being determined in advance. How do you comment on this?

G. GERAPETRITIS: Domestic political positions and criticism of a given government policy, including on foreign policy, are always an important factor of political life. In fact, as long as they are rational and accompanied by a sincere will to make the dialogue productive, they are not only welcome, but also necessary. However, especially with regard to foreign policy issues, I have the feeling that we all agree on one thing: the government's choices must aim at promoting the interests of our country. We have always agreed on this and we have always understood that, in order to do so, we must discuss with our neighbour.

Türkiye’s claims, such as demilitarization, casus belli, the “blue homeland”, the Turkish government's granting of exploration permits to the Turkish Oil Company, the “grey zones”, are not a current policy or a recent development. On the contrary, these claims date back decades. We did not expect that within a few months Türkiye would abandon its policy, but the fact that we can discuss despite our major and well-known differences is an accomplishment. And as long as Türkiye links the delimitation of the continental shelf and Exclusive Economic Zone to other issues, the discussion on the delimitation cannot begin.

As for the extension of the territorial waters, allow me to remind you that this is a unilateral, sovereign and inalienable right of Greece that derives from International Law and it is not part of the Greek-Turkish dialogue. It is entirely up to Greece to choose the time and manner in which it will exercise this right, in accordance with its national interests.

JOURNALIST: Is there a concrete action plan for the Greek diplomacy in case Türkiye and Syria proceed with the delimitation of an EEZ between them? How tough can the response from Athens be and how could it affect the relations between the two countries?

G. GERAPETRITIS: The situation in Syria and the wider Middle East region remains volatile. Our main concern is to ensure the stability and reconstruction of Syria, which is no simple task.

It is essential to safeguard the unity, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria, which is currently in a transitional situation. We insist that this transition must be smooth, inclusive, in the spirit of UN Security Council Resolution 2254, free from foreign interference. The new system of governance must be based on legitimacy and strict respect for International Law, including International Law of the Sea.

Foreign policy is merely contingency planning, so that we can react effectively and in a timely manner. Greek diplomacy, remaining vigilant, is ready for all scenarios, even those that do not appear plausible. Of course, a transitional situation does not provide legitimacy for any such agreement. We are in constant communication with the Republic of Cyprus, our neighbours, and our European partners regarding these issues. We should not forget that a potential delimitation also affects European borders. Therefore, as you will have noticed from recent interventions by European officials, such a possibility is also of European concern.

JOURNALIST: Allegedly, a five-party meeting on the Cyprus Issue is expected to be convened in March. How close are we to the resumption of talks?

G. GERAPETRITIS:The resolution of the Cyprus Issue is a top priority for Greek foreign policy. In coordination with the Republic of Cyprus, we managed to keep the Cyprus Issue active and high on the agenda of the UN, which explains the activity we have witnessed lately. More precisely, the appointment by the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, of his Personal Envoy, María Ángela Holguín, and the first informal meeting, held on October 15, 2024, between the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Nikos Christodoulides, and the Turkish Cypriot leader, Ersin Tatar, under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General, are important milestones. On January 20, President Christodoulides and the Turkish Cypriot leader met under the auspices of the of the UN Special Representative in Nicosia in order to explore the possibility of opening new crossing points as a confidence-building measure. Further progress is expected, including talks in an expanded format. It should not be overlooked that the improvement in Greek-Turkish relations has contributed to the resumption of the talks and creates better conditions for their progress.

The adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution on the renewal of the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) is expected by the end of January. As an elected member, Greece has undertaken targeted actions within the Security Council to achieve the best possible outcome. The renewal of UNFICYP's mandate will undoubtedly contribute to efforts aimed at a viable and just solution to the Cyprus Issue within the framework of the Security Council Resolutions.

JOURNALIST: In May, Greece will assume the presidency of the UN Security Council. What are the key issues on Greece's agenda for the presidency? Which initiatives will be promoted?

G. GERAPETRITIS: Greece's two-year term as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, for the third time after 2005-2006 and 1952-1953, is a testament to the international community's recognition of our increased diplomatic capital. Greece has become a reliable interlocutor by pursuing a foreign policy of principles and by using International Law as its compass. Our goal is to serve as a bridge between the North and the South, the East and the West.

Our initiatives will focus on the priorities we have already set: the peaceful resolution of disputes, respect for International Law, Women, Peace and Security, climate change and security, children in armed conflicts and maritime security. Holding the Presidency of the Security Council in May, Greece will have the possibility to convene a High-Level open debate and the UN Secretary-General will be invited as is customary. Our aim for our two-year tenure in the Security Council is to promote policies pertinent to our priorities, contributing to global peace and prosperity, while also building alliances with key and influential countries around the world. 

During the period leading up to the Greek presidency in May, our country has already been very active in the Security Council. Indicatively, Greece and the United States were co-penholders of the first Resolution adopted by the Security Council in 2025, namely Resolution 2768, on the importance of maritime security in the Red Sea. Maintaining maritime security is of great importance. It concerns the lives of seafarers, Greek shipping, the global economy, the supply chain and international energy and food security.

JOURNALIST: After the latest developments in the Middle East, Greece seems to be building bridges with the Arab world, with which the relations have traditionally been very good. However, your critics claim that the strategic choice of supporting Israel has severed the country's traditional ties with the Arabs. How do you respond?

G. GERAPETRITIS: Our comparative advantage is that Greece is a reliable interlocutor. Any criticism that we have severed our traditional ties with Arab countries, allow me to say, is completely unfounded. Reality proves the exact opposite.

As Minister of Foreign Affairs, I have established regular meetings with the Heads of Diplomatic Missions of the Arab countries in Athens and I hold regular talks with the Secretary-General of the Arab League.

We also make sure to have a regular useful presence in the region. More specifically, in January we went to Egypt for the Trilateral Meeting with Cyprus. This was preceded by the Trilateral Meeting with Jordan. Indeed, the Trilateral Cooperation Schemes broaden the scope of our joint actions. During the recent High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council with Saudi Arabia, a series of agreements were signed, which confirm the strategic nature of the relations between our countries and effectively render Greece the gateway of Saudi Arabia to Europe.

And we will not stop there. Our visit to Beirut was the first visit of an EU member state to Lebanon after the ceasefire. We will also be one of the first countries to visit the region after the ceasefire in Gaza. On February 3, I will be in Jerusalem and Ramallah and the following day I will travel to Amman, Jordan.

Greece is one of the few countries in the world that maintains excellent relations with all the countries in the region. This is because we employ the language of truth and honesty. This is how we manage to keep our country safe in an asymmetrical world and to increase Greece's diplomatic footprint globally on a daily basis.

January 25, 2025